Study Confirms That Any Man Can Date Beautiful Women

Dating beautiful women

dating beautiful women › why-the-most-beautiful-women-still-struggle-wit. Official Site - is the leading online dating site for beautiful men and women. Meet, date, chat, and create relationships with. One of the benefits of dating a beautiful woman is the ego boost you get when hanging out with her in public. Everyone's eyes will be on the two of you. Older.

Dating beautiful women - think

Beautiful people fall in love every day. They spot each other in a fetid swamp of lumpy mortals and think, I'm hot, you're hot, it is on. They'll tell their equally attractive kids heartwarming stories about "love at first sight," but such pairings are about as compelling as a casting agent's daily grind. Brangelina, the Bennifers, the Hiddleswifts, the Teigen-Legends: We get it. All of your charming tales about having so much in common ("He also loves puppies! Oxygen, too!") don't fool us. We've got eyes. When you're both supernaturally fine, your personal brands are meant to be together.

Far more intriguing are couples who aren't a perfect match lookswise. Suddenly, there's a riddle to solve: What the hell is she doing with him? (And vice versa, of course. But this being an aspirational magazine for men, let's stick to the former.) The mystery intensifies when the lady in question is not only gorgeous but also smart, funny, and wildly successful, and the guy in question is a scruffy-looking dude with a dad bod, a nonexistent career, and a bad habit of showing up to red-carpet events looking like he just got off a fifteen-hour flight from Mongolia.

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Before we dive into my General Theory of Relative Attractiveness, let's review the (very generalized) facts. There are unquestionably more beautiful women in the world than there are handsome men. Women are criticized for having the audacity to exist past the age of forty, but contrary to popular belief, men are the ones who really go to seed as the years tick by. In order to examine the gender/looks gap firsthand, just find your nearest gaggle of middle-aged humans: The ladies all look like they've just rubbed fancy emulsions into their crow's feet after having jogged ten miles to the chia-seed buffet (because they probably did). The guys mostly look like Gary Busey after a three-day doughnut-and-bourbon bender.

Plus, women learn from their mistakes. Like many of us—on every point along the gender spectrum—I spent my formative years experimenting with just how much stupidity, selfishness, and humorlessness I could tolerate for the sake of dating hotties. But I quickly gleaned that life spent in the company of a self-serving simpleton is no life at all. Substance, it turned out, was not overrated.

Yes, we started out shallow, now we're here: As women mature, we rarely see our partner's appearance as a measure of our own value, in stark contrast to those men who try to distract us from their deep-seated insecurities by dragging an extra-shiny, much-hotter lady friend around with them like an overpriced designer handbag. (Timely case in point: our newish president, whose ego is more fragile than a Ming vase and whose looks are ten thousand leagues under Melania's sea.)

Women are criticized for having the audacity to exist past the age of forty, but contrary to popular belief, men are the ones who really go to seed as the years tick by.

At a time when women look better, value appearance less, and don't feel the need to prop up their sense of self-worth with arm candy as men do, perhaps it's only natural to encounter mismatched-looking couples roaming about, openly challenging Darwin's views of sexual selection. But does that fully explain why goddess Serena Williams insists on keeping company with pasty boy-muffin Alexis Ohanian? Does it help us grasp the alignment of clever beauty J. K. Rowling and nerdlet physician Neil Murray? (Maybe he studied enchantment spells in med school.)

As unseemly as it may be to admit, when you survey the swath of famous women dating or married to average men, speculation about what's going on behind closed doors becomes unavoidable. If you're capable of charming the pants off any living mortal on the face of the planet—a target demographic that theoretically includes Ryan Gosling and Idris Elba—why go for a wispy-looking chump with no disposable income and Fritos crumbs stuck in his beard? Are high-quality, superfine, megasuccessful men so rare that superlative women are forced to settle? Do smoking-hot women, having been subjected to decades of douche bros pointing out their smoking hotness every few milliseconds, naturally embrace nonhotness as a means of subverting the dominant paradigm, à la Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett? Or do women really care that much less about looks than men do?

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Here's my favorite theory: These high-profile, extra-intelligent ladies have uncovered a treasure trove of sneakily sexy beasts with extraordinary listening skills, excellent oral dexterity, and a commitment to feminist principles. Such men don't mind being outshined and upstaged—or even led!—by strong, capable women. Better yet, perhaps there's a supersecret cabal of superior women who recognize that the only way to topple the patriarchy is by recruiting an army of loyal, less-than-babelicious men whose dedication to egalitarian values is self-evident. Their mission: to find and celebrate more guys like them so as to reorient a world teetering on the brink of destruction at the hands of our easily threatened, ego-driven maniac-in-chief.

If I stare at the nerf herders to your right long enough, until my eyes water and my vision blurs, they start to look subtly, subversively attractive. Here are the true faces of hotness.

1. J.K. Rowling + Neil Murray

Her: Author of the Harry Potter series, first billionaire whose wealth came mostly from writing. Him: Anesthesiologist who looks like your freshman-year roommate with the thinning hair and the Dave Matthews obsession. Time together: Sixteen years. What makes it work: Mutual acceptance. When they met, Rowling was a struggling single mother with a young child: "It felt as if he stepped inside everything with me," she told The Guardian in 2012. "He changed my life."

2. Cameron Diaz + Benji Madden

Her: Actor, real-life Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Him: Guitarist for Good Charlotte who still wears his baseball caps backward at age thirty-eight. Time together: Three years. What makes it work: Loyalty. "He is fiercely protective of the people he loves and cares about," Diaz wrote on Instagram in 2016. Another theory: Sometimes—rarely—that bad-boy mystique slays well past high school.

3. Emily Ratajkowski + Jeff Magid

Her: Supermodel. Him: Musician, lover of questionable lids. Time together: Two years. What makes it work: Bravery. Ratajkowski said in 2015, "I'm just attracted to confident men who ... aren't scared of women." Come again? If all you needed to woo her was a little courage and an extensive hat collection, she'd be with Paul Simon right now.

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4. Christina Hendricks + Geoffrey Arend

Her: Mad Men actor, the best case against throwing shade at gingers. Him: Actor who dresses like a dapper file clerk circa 1938. Time together: Nine years. What makes it work: Generosity. "He's considerate, he's thoughtful, he's smart, he takes care of me," Hendricks told People in 2009. You may recognize him as: The stoner in Super Troopers who, from the back of a police cruiser, declares, "The snozzberries taste like snozzberries!"

5. Kirsten Dunst + Jesse Plemons

Her: Actor who's been charming crowds since 1994's Interview with the Vampire. Him: Excellent actor on excellent shows (Friday Night Lights, Breaking Bad) who specializes in playing geeky killers. Time together: Ten months, recently engaged. Fatal attraction? They met on the set of Fargo, on which he played her husband, a geeky butcher—who kills for her.

6. Cate Blanchett + Andrew Upton

Her: Legendary actor and mystical elf queen. Him: Australian playwright with a striking resemblance to a forlorn Frodo. Time together: Twenty years. What makes it work: Collaboration. They co-own the film-production company Dirty Films. Blanchett told E! News in 2015, "It's been a great creative partnership with my husband and also a great love affair."

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7. Adele + Simon Konecki

Her: Voice of an angel, mouth of a sailor. Him: Cofounder of an ethical bottled-water company. Time together: Five years. What makes it work: Maturity. Adele told Vanity Fair in 2016, "He's not threatened by any stage of my life that I'm going for." Worship thy wife: He may look like an unkempt pile of baggy clothes, but looks matter less when you're so devoted: "He cares about me more than anything," Adele said in 2015.

8. Serena Williams + Alexis Ohanian

Her: Tennis-ball destroyer, winner of twenty-three Grand Slams. Him: Reddit cofounder. Time together: Twenty-two months, recently engaged. What makes it work: Respect. "He definitely treats everyone the same, which is really cool to see," Williams said at a press conference in January. Another theory: We've got nothing. From Drake to... this guy? A total mystery.

9. Tina Fey + Jeff Richmond

Her: Actor, writer, infallible human. Him: Composer and producer who looks like your hip history teacher. Time together: Twenty-two years. What makes it work: Kindness. "I don't have that kind of 'I love the bad guys' thing. No, no, thank you," Fey told Vanity Fair in 2009. "I like nice people." Size doesn't matter: She's five-five; he's five-zero. Gents: If the emotional fit is right, it's okay if you fit into her pocket.

This article originally appeared in the April '17 issue.

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The pain of dating an extremely beautiful woman

The pizza or burger in a fast food joint has no resemblance to the one on the huge signage or poster on its walls. That is a fact of life. Here is another one: beautiful women are like that burger on the poster, always good on the eye, the heart yearns for her until you get her and you wonder why did you exactly bother?

I can confidently state here that extremely gorgeous women are never half-worth the trouble they put men through. There is always something fatally wrong with them. Actually, many men are often painfully aware of this fact, the reason even players and seemingly handsome men will go for the most average woman when it comes to serious dating or marriage.

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The unspoken code among men is that average women are better in all aspects of life because of what we call ‘compensatory factors’. They (average looking women) are aware that they lack something vital and always strive to compensate for it in all fronts, from cooking, to manners and better still to where it matters most: bedroom. Not so with beautiful women. For one, they are mostly a great pain dating or dealing with. Many have this mistaken belief that they are the axis the earth rotates on, and the orbit the earth revolves around. Typically, you must worship the ground they walk on and you must attend to their every single whim and tantrums.

Most gorgeous women are dull and totally disinterested in anything other than what looks back from the mirror. They don’t make any attempt even to read an interesting book or watch a good movie to help them nurture sufficient intellectual mettle to sustain a decent conversation. And when they do, they are too snobbish to participate in a conversation with ordinary mortals.

Beautiful women equally have this annoying habit of overrating their beauty assuming they are Halle Berry or Scarlett Johansson to every man, forgetting that men are attracted to different things on the female body. I have met men (and surprisingly a huge number) who don’t fancy huge bottoms at all. I also know men who don’t care about facial beauty. So when I flirt with a pretty woman without any erotic intentions and she treats me like a leper, it gets my blood boiling. This insecurity is purely unnecessary. Most beautiful women are very misanthropic. They think every man wants to tap and disappear, thus they tend to be overcautious. Yet, being overly cautious is step one towards a stupid mistake.

My other gripe with beautiful women is they are lazy. Nearly all of them-from the self-proclaimed models to the busy career lady-if beautiful, she probably can’t cook to save herself from a refugee camp. And when they cook anything beyond boiling eggs, it is normally lousy accompanied by that sympathetic look of ‘look, I’m beautiful it absolves me of every shortcoming’. Utter nonsense. Besides, as many men as possible have told me of how gorgeous women are lousy in bed. Very average, they never try anything and totally averse for any experimentation.

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For me beautiful women are only good as trophy girlfriends; to flaunt to our male peers and make other women especially those who rejected us feel jealous. But just like all men, past a certain age, you know beauty should rank the lowest when selecting a suitable life-long partner. And finally, given many men pursue beautiful women, these women invariably know they are constantly in demand. This makes them proud. This makes them dismiss suitable men. This makes them single and vulnerable most of the time. The older they get, the worse it gets. I can bet here that, some of the loneliest, bored people are those poster-beautiful women. They should change and loosen up.

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Guys! Here Are The Benefits Of Dating A Pretty Woman

As a guy dating very beautiful women are always different from dating other kinds of women, as this article explains.

“Beautiful women are lousy in bed, prone to cheating and make terrible wives”, is a statement echoed by most men. Does this mean we should overlook pretty ladies when it comes to looking for long-term relationship partners?

Since every man likes having beautiful daughters who do we expect them to marry when we are on the frontline traducing their ilk? Such parochial beliefs have no place in modern society! Furthermore, it is utterly incorrect to judge a woman’s character purely by how she looks.

The following is a list of 7 benefits a guy accrues from dating a beautiful woman.

1) Competition

Unfortunately, most men are scared of dating a gorgeous woman due to the hordes of suitors she is bound to attract, though is actually a good thing! Stiff competition motivates one to continuously seek to improve themselves so as to always be at their best.

As a man, you get to develop your character, exploit your talents and venture out of your comfort zone. Dating a fine-looking woman inspires one work harder, get a better job, drive a better car and buy a bigger house.

To the men who are afraid of competition, would you stay in a squalid bungalow when you can easily afford to live in a penthouse simply because you are afraid it might attract robbers?

2) Stir Jealousy

Jealousy is deeply ingrained in our genetic makeup. When you walk in public with a head-turner in tow it stirs the green-eyed monster in both s£xes. Other men wonder what qualities you have to date such a fine chile while the ladies wish they were better looking than her.

It is rather strange how other ladies throw themselves at a guy who has a girlfriend especially if she is stunning unlike when the guy is unattached.

One of the benefits of dating a beautiful woman is the ego boost you get when hanging out with her in public. Everyone’s eyes will be on the two of you. Older women longingly smile at you, older men buy you drinks then give the thumbs-up sign, young ladies wink at you suggestively while the young men come over to give you a bear hug before proceeding to congratulate you for landing such a fine catch.

3) Unmerited favours

Recently, I tagged along with some pretty girl to a public office where I needed to apply for some permits. The reception we got was nothing short of outstanding. Men literally fought one another to have the honour of serving us despite being past official working hours. They were hoping she was my sister so I would put in a good word for them after serving us well!

If you are an entrepreneur, the next time you are going to meet a prospective client especially a man, remember to go with a beau. Clients often settle for a very profitable price when there is a pretty woman present.

Another benefit of going out with a stunning woman is the preferential treatment you get. Waiters go out of their way to ensure you get a table and serve you promptly, the security personnel treat you courteously while other revellers try to befriend you.

4) The morning after

It’s an open secret that few women are naturally beautiful. When you go out to a nightclub and imbibe one too many every woman you meet looks striking thanks to the cool lighting. Inspired by their enthralling hotness you charm a number and before the night ends one agrees to go home with you.

The next morning you almost get a heart attack on seeing the woman lying beside you. She looks nothing like the lady you met the previous night! Her appearance alarmingly deteriorated overnight! Just when you wish she would disappear, she suggests you let her spend the rest of the weekend at your place! That’s when you know you are totally screwed!

However, if the lady still looks stunning without any makeup on the morning after, you jump out of bed and break into a victory dance! Making her breakfast ceases being a chore and you wouldn’t mind if she stays for a whole week!

5) Doesn’t need to dress trashy to stand out!

I respect all women and their right to dress however they like! However, if the only way a lady can stand out of the crowd is by dressing trashy then you should not even consider dating her. Hanging out with a lady in one of those tops that look like they might just snap sending her b**bs spilling on the floor especially around elderly people is very uncomfortable.

Big up to all the women who don’t need to dress indecent in order to feel beautiful! I’m yet to meet a guy who doesn’t appreciate a woman in a lovely dress of respectable length. One of the perks of dating a gorgeous woman is how she is aware of how appealing she hence doesn’t need to attract undue attention by dressing in revealing outfits.

6) Less insecure

All women have some semblance of insecurity. They are afraid that with time as they grow older a better looking and younger lady woman would snatch away their man.

Despite this, most beautiful ladies are less insecure since they know they could easily get another man should the current boyfriend choose to walk away from her. A man can only appreciate such a lady after dating one who is insecure and clingy! Her alluring beauty may draw lots of men’s attention but if she feels secure you won’t have to worry about her cheating on you!

7) Makes you immune to manipulative women

Guys who are not used to dating stunning women make the mistake of worshipping every woman they find irresistible! Since little girls are cultured not directly demand stuff by the time they turn 25 they are experts at manipulating men smitten by them for selfish reasons.

Therefore as a man make a point of dating to a couple of hotties before getting hitched. Once a man is used to dating pulchritudinous women his sense of self-worth goes up hence should a lady ask him to do something he doesn’t like he won’t hesitate to say no!

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Dating Beautiful Women Is Within Your Reach - 5 Tips To Make It Happen

If you’re like most men, you enjoy the sight of a beautiful woman, you may even ogle her and fantasize about her. But you’d never actually approach her.

Many men have the “she’s out of my league” mentality and so they mentally shrug their shoulders and look for a girl they believe to be more within reach.

Guys, we’re here to tell you that you can not only approach beautiful women successfully, but you can also date and even have relationships with them — even if you’re not a perfect 10 yourself.

Want to learn more? Read on for our tips on how to successfully approach beautiful women.

What You Need to Know About Beautiful Women 

Men in particular have set ideas on what hot women are like and often equate that kind of beauty with unattainability. That's where approach anxiety kicks in. 

Here are the top four things you need to know about beautiful women:

1. Not all beautiful women are vain

A lot of guys don’t approach beautiful women because they assume they are vain and rude. That is rarely true. While some breathtaking beauties believe their looks excuse their bad behavior, not all lovely ladies are conceited.

In fact, because so many men see gorgeous women as unapproachable, they can actually be reserved or even shy around men. They’re used to getting a lot of stares, lewd comments or arrogant jerks hitting on them. They’re not used to nice, normal guys approaching them — and that makes them appreciate it even more when a man approaches them respectfully.

While it’s true you won’t know if she’s a stuck-up bitch or nice and down-to-earth until you make a move, it’s always worth taking the risk because most beautiful girls have a lot more to offer than their looks.

2. They want to be approached

Guys, you need to remember a beautiful and fit woman is just like any other woman. She wants love, companionship and a man who can make her laugh. In short, she wants to be approached by a good guy like you.

There are a whole lot of men out there who never approach beautiful women because they assume they’ll be shot down. 

While it’s true that hot women want a guy who takes care of himself and tries to look his best, most don’t care if you look like Brad Pitt. Confidence, personality and intelligence are far more apt to win her over than washboard abs.

So next time you see a beautiful woman you’d like to meet, don’t make excuses or try to convince yourself that she’ll be too full of herself to give you the time of day. Approach her just like you would any other woman. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? 

3. They have insecurities

Not every beauty is brimming with confidence in every area of her life. In fact, beautiful women can be just as insecure as any other woman when it comes to relationships. This is where understanding women comes into play. 

A lot of gorgeous gals worry about guys wanting to be with them because of how they look rather than because of who they are. All too often, guys are guilty of putting really hot women on pedestals because of how they look. 

Remember, as much as a woman wants to be found sexy and pretty, even more than that, she wants to be valued for her personality, her brain, her values and her talents. 

So guys, if you want to have a relationship with a beautiful woman, treat her outward appearance as a bonus rather than as her most important trait.

4. They struggle and have feelings too

A lot of abuse can be heaped on gorgeous gals. Jealous women make snide remarks, guys treat them like trophies or worse, just a desirable piece of ass and, a lot of times, they aren’t taken seriously in school or work.

All too often they are the victims of bad relationships because a guy was using them to elevate himself in the eyes of others. What guy doesn’t get more attention when a beautiful, sexy woman is on his arm, right? But when that is the only reason he’s with her, and she actually cares about him, well, you guessed it, she ends up hurt.

Just remember: beautiful women are just as likely to have had their hearts broken as anyone else. 

How to Approach a Beautiful Woman 

Now that you know a little more about gorgeous girls and why you should make an effort to approach them, let’s take a look at how you can make that approach successfully. And who knows you might even get women to approach you. 

1. Keep it simple

You might be tempted to come up with some over-the-top introduction or compliment to get a beautiful woman’s attention. But, the key to successfully approaching her isn’t a pickup line or cheesy comment. 

A simple introduction is always best. Simply say “Hi there, I’m (insert name)” and hold your hand out to shake hers. Grasp her hand firmly, but not enough to hurt her — the key is to show gentle strength. Simply hold her hand in yours for a few seconds and then release it.

2. Expect her to be wary

While really hot women may not be approached by many quality men, they are hit on all the time by guys with big egos who are just hoping to get laid. They also hear a lot of remarks like “check her out,” “baby, you’re so hot” or “I’d like to get with that” wherever they go.

A lifetime of lewd comments, objectifying stares and obnoxious jerks hitting on her will likely make her pretty wary when you first approach her, so don’t expect her to fall all over you.

If you want her to like you, you’re going to have to work for it. You’ll need to prove you’re not another horny, shallow douchebag who just wants to sleep with her, so be prepared for her to be reserved and distant at first.

3. Be confident

One of the things a beautiful woman values in a man is confidence. A confident man is better equipped to handle her beauty because he’s less likely to be jealous of other guys hitting on her or of her getting all of the attention.

So, if you want to be successful when approaching a beautiful woman, be sure of yourself. Don’t act like she’s too good for you and she’s doing you a favor just by speaking to you. Look her in the eye and speak to her as an equal.

Even if you’re not feeling confident, you can fake it quite easily. Aside from maintaining eye contact, stand tall with your shoulders back and smile easily. Be respectful yet assertive and never apologize or make excuses for approaching her. 

4. Know how to compliment

When a woman is truly a knockout, it might seem natural to tell her so. It’s almost always the wrong move with a beautiful woman, however. A gorgeous girl knows she’s gorgeous. She's been told thousands of times and those types of compliments are a dime a dozen.

If you want to get her attention, you need to give her a truly unique compliment. Let’s say you see a really hot woman standing on the other side of the bar. A man approaches her with a really vulgar pickup line and won’t take no for an answer. Within a minute she’s not only gotten rid of him but did it without being rude herself.

This is your opportunity to approach her. After introducing yourself, tell her how impressed you are with her poise and the classy way she handled the idiot who just hit on her. This type of compliment is going to please her because you’re valuing her capability rather than her appearance.

While it’s almost impossible to compliment a woman you’ve just met on her personality or intelligence, the key is to look for something other than her looks that sets her apart from all of the other girls. Maybe she has a lovely, musical laugh or a great sense of style. Maybe you saw her do something kind for someone or you heard her tell a hilarious joke. By noticing something other than her looks you’ll automatically be different from every other guy in the room.

5. Hold her interest

Just like any other girl, a beautiful woman wants to be engaged in conversation with a man she finds interesting and amusing.

Remember, you’re the one who approached her, so you need to make the effort to get a conversation going. Be prepared with something to say so you’re not stammering or standing in front of her in awkward silence.

Showing interest in her is always a good start. Ask some questions about her hobbies or her job. It also doesn’t hurt to have some clever questions or comments up your sleeve to make her laugh. Whether you use a “would you rather” question or you have a funny anecdote that you can tell, be sure you keep it light and amusing.

Once you've been chatting for a while, it’s time to do a bit of flirting. If she responds in kind, you’ll know she’s into you too. 

Final thoughts on dating beautiful women

If you want to approach a beautiful woman, it’s important to treat her just like you would any other girl. She may look like a supermodel, but ultimately, she wants what every woman wants: a good man who loves and respects her.

So, next time you see a super hot woman, why not give it a shot? By being respectful, confident and engaging, you have a great shot at getting her number.

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12 Struggles Of Dating A Gorgeous Girl

As if dating was not hard enough, men seem to be drawn to women who are socially considered gorgeous. Now, it is not known specifically what constitutes someone as gorgeous but the same few features are usually involved; a banging body, long hair (according to Patty Stanger) and the ultimate key to the puzzle: someone who is wanted by many, many, many men. When you finally land that gorgeous girl all seems right in the world, nothing could go wrong but oh, wait; now you have to maintain her. This means dealing with your relationship along with dealing with the ups and downs of dating a girl that is considered gorgeous.

Having a hot girlfriend can be more trouble than it is worth, especially when dealing with things like other guys (including your friends) trying to steal your girl like she is some kind of conquest, but also having to deal with a girl whose head may be so blown up that on top of treating you like crap, she expects you to fund her lifestyle that normally includes going out, drinking, partying and shopping. The cons seem to outweigh the pros when dating a pretty girl, and it is a struggle that no one expects until it happens to them. Here are a few struggles to expect when dating a gorgeous babe.

12 Jealousy Will Rear Its Ugly Head

There is only so much one can take when dating a gorgeous gal; eventually any sane man may begin to feel a tinge of jealousy which is both normal and acceptable. Unfortunately for you, it is also unflattering to a girl who is used to playing the hot girlfriend role. Beautiful women have stigma behind them, people believe that they are dating people for money, have no brain in their head and lack any kind of moral compass all because they are gorgeous. While all these accusations are unfounded, it is almost a promise that at some point in your relationship one of these traits will be the reason for your jealousy.

11 All Eyes Are Always On Her

You have officially become invisible. Your girlfriend is so gorgeous that she consumes all of the attention wherever you guys go. If you are a secure man then you will love that other people are eyeing your girlfriend, you are proud to show her off and she is proud to be shown off. Sometimes the looks can get disturbing and even overbearing but most of the time there is a great chance that you are loving that you have the envy of fellow men as you parade your hot (and equally high maintenance) girlfriend down the street.

10 Trust Can Be An Issue

You may not be able to believe a word that comes out of her mouth; while this is sad and technically your own hang up, she ends up suffering because you do not feel secure in your own life. Having a girlfriend that society considers hot can have its ups and down, simply because there could be a line of guys waiting for your girlfriend to dump you, you may feel as though she is taking on a few extracurricular activities. Then again it could all be in your head and your mistrust is what could ultimately force her to start doing some of the things you have been accusing her of.

9 She Knows She Is Hot

The deal with dating a hot girl is she knows she is hot, and she will always think she is hot and can use her looks for just about anything. It will be easier for her to move on when she is ready and leave you in the dust whereas, you may be more inclined to beg for her to come back or put up with her crap simply because she is beautiful. The minute that you try to bruise her ego you can guarantee that she will shut you down and just as quickly tell you how many other guys she could get that are better than you.

8 You Are Only Dating Her Because She Is Hot

Deny it all you want, there are plenty of people in the world that will only date someone because they are hot. While this reality is sad it is quite common. You are blinded by her looks and all the stares you guys get when you are together that you cannot see past the idea that she may not be the right person for you. Everyone wants to parade around a spouse that they know other people find attractive, however, keep in mind that you are risking being bored, annoyed, unsatisfied and unfulfilled for a long time if not the rest of your life because you chose looks over personality. Think about it; if she is all about her looks she may end up leaving you because she found someone hotter.

7 It Is Easier To Date Other Hot Girls

You get a slight confidence boost after dating a hot girl; usually there are two things that would normally happen; 1. Other hot girls see you with an equally hot girl and they think “what does he have that is making her want to be with him?” and 2; He is thinking “I got one hot girl; it cannot be hard to get another”. However, your confidence boost may come mostly from snagging your second or third hot chick in a row. There is something that happens in a woman’s head when she sees a guy with another hot girl; he automatically becomes an object of desire whether he wants to be or not.

6 She May Actually Be Smarter Than You

So you doubted her intellect and now you are kicking yourself. Not every pretty face is lacking a brain; once you have realized that she has some smarts you are starting to sweat a bit. She challenges you intellectually and you find that you have to keep up with her. She is not easily impressed by facts that may have impressed your other girlfriends that you no doubt are quoting from Wikipedia. She is educated, classy and knows that she does not have to use her looks to get ahead in life, God has simply just blessed her with this added bonus.

5 There Is A Chance You Will Always Be Broke

If you do find yourself dating one of the hot girls that are all about shopping, money, partying and wearing barely-there outfits, then be prepared to spend your hard earned dollar funding her habits. She likes to club, drink, get all dolled up (hair, nails, makeup) and go out on the town with her friends. For some reason she thinks it is your responsibility to pay for her good time, ultimately she is so damn hot that how could you not want to pay to keep her around? Her high maintenance attitude is a lot to deal with but somehow you are willing to because hey, she fills out that dress so well.

4 Beware Of The Protective Older (Or Younger) Sibling

Siblings can be a terror for potential boyfriends; whether it is the protective, muscular older brother or the miserable sister who is absolutely no nonsense. Either way there is a good chance that if the girl you are dating is considered a hot commodity you may have a problem with her overprotective siblings. You could be a great guy with great intentions but unfortunately for you, there have been some real losers in the past that she has gone home and cried about, and her siblings have had to come to the rescue. Watch your back; if you fail to break the ice with them in the beginning, you may never get another chance to do it.

3 Prepare To Get Into Random Fights

Because your girlfriend is so good looking she attracts the attention of a whole bunch of random guys who could quite frankly care less that she is in a committed, solid, loving relationship. You may have to use excessive force so those random guys can get it through their thick skulls that your girlfriend is simply not up for grabs. Men love a challenge, so as many times as you say “no” or “she is taken”, there will always be that one guy who is up for that challenge. Get ready to throw some effective right hooks; if she is truly worth it.

2 You Feel Insecure

So, you have accomplished finding the “girl of your dreams”, and you could not be any happier; then that unsettling feeling starts to hit you, other guys are looking at her, then looking at you, then back at her. You begin to question if she is really into you; you want to know specifically what she likes about you and why she is in this relationship with you. You discuss her ex-boyfriends and question why none of them look like you; what if you are not her type and she is just wasting your time by dating out of her usual preference for s***’s and giggles.

1 Guys Will Always Hit On Her

Most men like the attention of a girl; if she is socially considered a “hot” girl, then that is considered a bonus to them. Every guy likes to feel as though they can obtain that hot girl especially when they have that liquid courage in them and are in a crowded bar where there rejection may not be widely noticed. Here is where it gets tricky; they find it more of a challenge when they find out that she has a serious boyfriend and they try even harder to steal her away from her man. It is crucial that you keep your composure and show confidence during this time; not only does it kind of scare the guy away, but it demonstrates trust in your relationship, and you can only look like a great boyfriend at this point.



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About The Author
Kaye L (152 Articles Published)

Journalism graduate who is mastering her pop culture knowledge. A lover of movies, TV, music and all things entertainment.

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How to make an entrance: a gentleman's guide to a good first impression

It is a practice variously described, but perhaps most commonly known as ‘punching above your weight’.

And, whilst you may think using a hand-to-hand combat analogy to describe dating to be a little overwrought, it actually sums up your situation better than you know.

Overreaching in the arena of dating is fraught with hardship and hindrances. Your mismatched partner may get people talking, pulses racing and buoy you with a never before-felt smugness, but the reality isn’t as romantic – less ‘a dozen roses’ and more ‘a dozen rounds’.

True, you may feel pretty special when the bell first rings on your relationship and, if you’re lucky, you’ll even see your fair share of satin robes falling to the ground as well. But, once you’ve endured several rounds of romance, the gloves’ll come off, you’ll start sweating over the smallest of things and – as is only to be expected when getting into the ring with a hard-hitting, stone-cold stunner – you’ll be inevitably and spectacularly knocked out.

But don’t throw in the towel just yet. Despite having the odds stacked royally against you, you can still roll with the punches. And, although there’s no definite rulebook for punching above your weight, we’re still firmly in your corner to help you the best we can.

Making your move in a club or bar may seem like an appealing idea – thanks largely to the social supercharger that is alcohol. But, rather than hitting the town in search of a prospective partner, try approaching women in a calmer, more considered environment.

Making your first impression at an art gallery, evening class or book club will help showcase your personality and, whereas propping up the bar with nothing but your lacklustre looks is unlikely to attract much attention, releasing your natural charisma and character is a much safer bet.

The key to maintaining a long-term relationship, especially with somebody who is clearly out of your league looks-wise, is to become friends with them first. Be very careful, however, not to fall into the ‘friendzone’ – a black hole of platonic despair and despondency into which beautiful women banish countless men.

Instead, split your time between friendship and flirting. Keep her on her toes, remind her that attraction is a two-way street, and don’t immediately lay your soul bare by throwing yourself at her feet.

Believe it or not, we all like a challenge – even solid tens. So, by befriending her and reminding her that there’s more to life than looks, you might actually open her eyes to a wider pool of possibility.

When you’ve become sufficiently comfortable with one another – but before the nature of your relationship is too definable – swoop in with ‘the charm’.

A complicated concept, ‘the charm’ eludes many men. But, statistically, if you’ve had to get by on something other than rakish good looks or a gym-built body all your life, you’re likely to have at least a cursory understanding of good old-fashioned romance. So, go ahead and sweep her off her feet.

Buy her dinner, bring her flowers and really listen to her when she talks. Have conversations that don’t involve how much you can bench press, and take an interest in her pursuits and hobbies – however mundane you may find them.

And flatter her. But remember, the art of flattery is not easily mastered. There are so many potential pitfalls waiting to trip you up that the practice could almost demand a section all for itself. In fact…

Compliments and cajolery are tricky to get right at the best of times. With a balance to be struck between indifference and creepiness, you must take frequency, sincerity and quality into account. And, when dating someone hotter than you are, the difficulties are taken to a whole new level.

If you compliment her too much – and without reciprocation – her ego will steadily grow until she looks at you one day and asks herself ‘I never feel as taken aback by his looks as he clearly does by mine. Could I do better?’

But, conversely, if you avoid sycophancy all together, there will come a time when another man – who may be better or worse looking than you are – comments on her hair or dress sense and wins her heart through the simplest of ways: attention.

The sheer number of problems and rules set out here probably make the idea of dating someone hotter than you terrifying. And yes, whilst at this point you probably think it’d be safer courting a pint or two of nitroglycerin, you shouldn’t actually worry.

For even though we began this discussion by likening relationships to literally being beaten up, the reality is that if someone is making you work for it because they think they’re hotter, forget them.

Never assume that you’re less attractive than someone, and never rule out approaching someone – whoever or wherever it may be – out of fear that you’re not good enough. Some of the best personalities can be found in those with less-than-brilliant looks and, conversely, some of the most attractive amongst us are about as charismatic as wet flannel.

So the only real piece of advice you need in order to date someone hotter than you is that there is no-one hotter than you. Confidence is key, gents, nothing is more attractive than someone who knows, and is comfortable with, who they are, and no-one is you-er than you.

So throw your hat in the ring, make sure you beat all those other contenders to the punch, and always remember, you’re a knockout in your own right.

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